signs of getting old

Wonder Woman I am not.

For the longest time, I thought I was the strongest woman in the world. I was always the first to volunteer to move furniture or fixtures around the house or at work, carry (didn’t drag because I’m a little OCD about scuffed marks on my bags) 20+kg luggage down stairs, single-handedly cleared racks of stock during stock take while the other girls do the paper work. I was awesome. I was gilah. I was Wonder Woman!

How I think I look like in my dreams. Thanks MummyMoo!

Sadly, my dreams of outdoing the guys at the warehouse were dashed as my back pains got worse. One time during work, while I was doing some paperwork at the office, a sudden excruciating pain hit me on my lower back. Adoi!! I was in so much pain I couldn’t straighten up, had to be led very gingerly to my sis-in-law’s (she was one of my bosses) car so that we could get to the nearest possible clinic which happened to be Thomson Medical Centre. You see ah, if you walk around holding your back at TMC, EVERYONE steps away and give you a lot of space. They thought I was about to deliver a baby. Thinking back, it really was quite a sight. Sweaty me holding my back with a pained look and “oww oww oww” all the way, husband (back then still boyfriend ah) holding onto me and my very gu niang (ladylike) bag. Can’t blame them for thinking that way hor?

I’ve always thought the back pain got aggravated because I had put on a lot of weight over the years while studying in Canada and while working in an office environment. I ate lots of junk food and the only exercise I did was walking to the pantry and back to my desk. I started out taking regular painkillers, then double dose, then extra strength, then muscle relaxants, then jabs, then suddenly nothing worked. Even after the jab, it took me about 3 to 4 weeks to feel better or to be able to walk upright. I was walking around like the the hunchback of notre dame. Didn’t help that I sprained my foot on CNY eve as well. I was the Limpin’ Hunchback of Anchorvale Link.

Luckily, the doctor at the polyclinic took my pains seriously and referred me to a specialist at SGH. Never mind I had to wait 4 months to see him/them, as long as I can get to the root of the problem, I didn’t really care.

So here. This is as naked as you will ever see me. An x-ray of my sexy back.

I’m glad to have confirmation from the doctors that whatever I was feeling during the last few years was real, not my imagination, nor because of my weight. I’m sad coz I’m really not Wonder Woman, not more herculean feats. Looking at the x-ray, I don’t think it’s scary serious but it was enough to cause me weeks of agonizing pain and discomfort. The irritating bone seems to be pressing some nerve or muscle but hopefully with the physiotherapy sessions, my back will feel better and *cross fingers* no more Hunchback of Anchorvale Link.

I never thought about writing about my sexy back until a friend posted an entry about her sexy back on her blog. If she can be so open about it, why should I be so secretive about mine. So yah lah. Here is my entry. Thanks for the inspiration, Jennifer!


  • Summer

    oh dear, sure hope it gets well after the physio!! I used to think I was Wonder Woman too but I long gave up on that thought. Lol. It’s much easier to think that the hubby is Superman instead. =)

  • Regina


    I used to think (and behave) like wonder Woman with heels. I carried marble top tables at the restaurant with exaggerated ease, especially during weekends to accommodate big groups – and never had a single pair of flat slip ons less than 2 inches in my shoe cupboard.

    Then the bub came along. First to go was my wrist… after 2 months of constant baby carrying in arms, I had tendonitis, and rather than have the jab with the huge-ass needle which can make a grown man cry, I opted to use the more traditional wrist guard. It was hard using that while having to carry the boy, but somehow thankfully, the pain eased.

    Then as he grew bigger and he gets (too) comfortable being a kid in a kangaroo pouch, I felt shooting pains in my bag, no doubt aggravated that I already have mild scoliosis to begin with. Contemplating Jennifer’s suggestion as well… but right now, I’m past caring looking like an auntie in slippers.

    I hope you gain some wonderment back soon!

    • twistedcookie


      Same lah! Before the baby, I would never be caught dead without heels. I could run, jump, climb and like you, shift mountains in heels. Heels were my best friend. Now I can only press my face against window displays of killer shoes and cry quietly in my head.

      You should take care of yourself too. Nicely painted toenails in slippers can be sexy too you know? By the way, aunties don’t have nice slim legs like yours.

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