birthday,  family,  fatherhood

Happy birthday old boy!

Dear Ah Lao,

Today is your birthday and I need to come clean … *whisper* I did not get you a present. I can just hear you guys gasping and exclaiming. “WHAT??? No present?? Wah lau!” Eh, you all don’t lydat leh. Don’t judge me leh… *sob*

For a guy who has everything, the last thing you need is another long sleeve shirt or bag. Your wardrobe very full ler lah. I’m not very creative in the gift giving department. The Triton is little out of my budget at the moment, honey. You just wait ohkay? You wait long long ok? *roll eyes*

I know the last few weeks haven’t been easy for you and I didn’t help to make you feel better. Sorry. Let’s go have a nice day out later. Do whatever, go wherever and yes, I will hold your hand all day as requested.

Happy birthday! Sweet dreams, I’ll see you later when you wake up!

Special father son moment with tiny “Tritons”.



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