family,  pregnancy

The Twenty Questions that were supposed to be answered on Tuesday

Fine, I know it’s not Tuesday anymore but I really wanted to participate in MummyMoo’s Twenty Questions lah.

Here are my answers.

1. Was your pregnancy planned, and how old were you?
Not really planned but neither were we preventing it. I was 30.

2. What were your reaction?
Shocked because… please read Point 3.

3. How did you find out you were pregnant?
I was driving us home one evening in April and we had stopped at a red light, gossiping about what had happened at the office that day. I was talking halfway when I saw in the rear view mirror a car speeding towards the back of our car showing no signs of slowing down. I started to scream and BAM! He “kissed” the back of our car. I stepped out of the car, moved towards the back angrily and started screaming at the driver who turned out to be a 70ish year old man who was also visibly shaken by the accident. I eventually stopped ranting like a mad woman 2 mins later when I realized he couldn’t really see very well either. *guilty face* I was the victim but behaved like a raging mad bully 😛 Luckily The Husband was calm enough to make sure the other driver was ok and not hurt either. After the cops came to take our statements, we took pictures and exchanged information, we drove to the mechanic with our bumper about to fall off. Everyone suggested we go to the A&E to make sure we didn’t suffer from any internal injuries so we went to Tan Tock Seng A&E department to do the usual tests. After giving the nurses my urine sample, we were told to head over to get some x-rays done. I started to panic when we got there because I had a navel ring and I could only get it out with a pair of pliers. It was past midnight, where to find pliers you tell me? So I tried my luck and went to ask the technicians for it and all of them gave me blank stare and went HAR? Pliers?? Then in a typical Taiwan drama fashion, just as I was walking into the radiology room for my scan and hoping to find pliers lying around, the doctor who had attended to me at the beginning ran into the room shouting “STOP STOP STOP! No x-ray! You do already? No need to do ok?” Maybe “shouting” is too dramatic a description. “Raised voice” would be better. SO! He came in, ushered The Husband and I back to the consulting room for more Q&A. He showed me 3 square plastic thingy. He did 3 pregnancy tests just to make sure and all turned up positive. We were very shocked because I was still having what I thought were very light menses. Long story short. WE WERE PREGNANT!

4. Who did you tell first?
My sister-in-laws because I was working for them at the time and was scheduled to leave for New York that month for work. I had to tell them to cancel my tickets immediately.

5. Did you find out the sex?
Yes! I was thrilled to find out it was a boy. I’ve always wanted a little boy.

6. Did you have morning sickness?
Minimal. Only when I brush my teeth in the mornings. Weird.

7.What did you crave?
Nothing in particular but I was completely turned off by the smells of my favourite foods like mushrooms. I lost weight during pregnancy because I didn’t feel like eating.

8. Who / What irritated you the most?
My husband. We quarrelled a lot back then and I packed and unpacked my “run away from home” bag many times and even slept on the sofa equally many times during pregnancy.

9. Did you wish you had a different gender from what you obtained?
No but we did ask the OBGYN to double check during initial ultrasounds for 2nd baby. We are very optimistic folks.

10. How many kilos did you gain during the entire pregnancy?
Too many.

11. Where did you think the baby was conceived?
Somewhere somehow after the kissing and before the showering.

12. Did you have any complications during the pregnancy?
I  had 2 endometriosis cysts (both were more than 6 cm each) removed during my 2nd trimester which was also the night after my traditional wedding dinner. Party first, if not I would be stuck on bed rest for weeks.

13. Where did you give birth?
Aisle 4 in the supermarket! No lah, I’m kidding of course. Thomson Medical Centre.

14. How many hours were you in labour?
I don’t remember active labour took how long but I remember lying around for 32 hours. Lie so long until I started to see weird images forming from the labour room’s floral curtains. I saw papillions, old men fishing by the lake, gold fish, etc. We were warded on Christmas Eve hoping he will pop on Christmas Day but the determined boy held his ground and stuck to the original ETD 26 December 2008.

15. Who watched you give birth?
The Husband.

16. Was it natural, or C-Sect?
Was induced to try for natural delivery, failed. Then assisted with forceps, also failed. My doc had to push the baby back in and then do an emergency C-sect at the end.

17. Did you take medication to ease the pain?
Epidural and laughing gas. It was not funny at all.

18. When was your child born?
26 Dec 2008

19. What is his / her name?

20. How old is he today?
4 going on 16. He is slowly morphing into an emo teenager. Scary.


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  • Regina

    Boy oh boy… why am I not surprised that Xan also had to make his presence felt in such dramatic fashion?! I would not have accepted anything less than a vision of the said doc who must have been frantically running to you with scrubs (or lab coat?) flying… yelling STOPPPPPP!!

    Who said that body adornments aren’t there for a purpose? If it wasn’t for the darn thing which needed to be removed, perhaps things may be different now. 🙂

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