• craft,  wordless wednesday

    Wordless Wednesday: Label of love

    I was out delivering tickets to my winners from The Megabugs Return! Exhibition last week and stumbled upon this work of art. What a nice surprise! It reminded me of a Hong Kong movie I had watched on the telly a few days prior. Thank you Starhub for the free channels during the long National Day holiday weekend!! We don’t subscribe to the Chinese channels so being able to watch mandarin movies (even the really corny B grade ones) was a treat for me. The movie was called《单身男女 》Don’t Go Breaking My Heart. in a nutshell, the movie involved lots of post-it label messages and miming across office buildings between…

  • family,  family activities,  giveaway,  Let's go ...,  parent child activity

    Let’s go… to the Megabugs Return! Exhibition (plus admission tickets giveaway!)

    Have you ever imagined coming face to face with bugs that are big as you? You don’t need to imagine lah, just hop over to the Megabugs Return! Exhibition at the Science Centre for an up-close and personal look at the gigantic Aedes mosquito, ants, dung beetles and many more critters this week. I must admit I’m not a fan of the creepy crawlies but somehow when they are magnified to such mega proportions, they really aren’t too bad. This year the Science Centre Singapore presents Megabugs Return! Exhibition from the 20th of April to the 18th of August 2013. The first Megabugs Exhibition was held 20 years ago with 11…

  • family

    Shopping is easy with RedMart.com (Part 1 of 2)

    (Sponsored Post) I love supermarkets. Big ones, small ones, clean ones, smelly one, I love them all. I would spend hours in supermarkets like how some women would in shoe stores. The trouble with supermarkets though is that I either have to go very early to avoid the scary shoving grandmothers and women with gigantic strollers aka Toe Crushers, or I go in the dead of the night but run the risk of seeing very hungry rats scurrying around in the rice department. “EEE! Rats?! Dun bluff lah!” you might say. I will look at you straight in the eye and say “I sumpah, no bluff you. I have seen…