• babies,  review,  xander,  yvie

    Dr Lily’s All Natural Aloe Vera Gel: Review and Giveaway

    Review I don’t know about you, but when I was growing up, aloe vera was like the go-to plant for all sorts of problems: Kena splattered by oil from frying chicken wings despite standing 2 metres away and holding up the wok cover? Grab an aloe vera leaf! Longkang (Malay for drain) appeared from nowhere and swallowed you in thus causing scraped knees? Aloe vera!! Fell asleep at the beach while listening to Jason Dovonan serenade you on your discman and you kenah very ugly and painful sunburns? *loud chants* ALOE! ALOE! Such a versatile and underrated plant, this aloe vera. 🙂 I was introduced to Dr Lily’s All Natural® Aloe…

  • bad behaviour,  family activities,  festivals,  fun activity,  recycled art,  xander

    Let’s go to… the Singapore Garden Festival 2014

    One of my friends had texted me a few weeks ago to ask if we were interested to visit the Singapore Garden Festival because they had a couple of tickets to spare and thought of us. How sweet right? I thought since I haven’t seen this friend in a long time, we arranged to go to the festival together on the 1st day. We saw all sorts of flowers that day. Rare flowers, common flowers, big flowers, teeny tiny flowers and even Old Flower Eyes (老花眼. Chinese translation of Presbyopia). I was told many of the exotic flowers were specially flown in just for the event and designers from top garden shows around…

  • family,  family activities,  food,  xander,  yvie

    Let’s go to… Dong Po Colonial Cafe

    I was having the strangest cravings the night before and really really needed to get myself a slice of old school butter cream cake. I normally avoid butter cream at all costs because it tastes so…buttery. I guess all the breast feeding had caused me to have weird cravings for fattening, sugary treats that I don’t normally like. I’ve read about Dong Po Colonial Cafe from a couple of blogs like ieatishootipost and A Juggling Mum so I knew the retro cafe serves very affordable treats ($2 per slice of cake!) and most importantly, butter cream cakes! Since we had some time before dinner, we headed there for a quick bite. As I was…

  • fashion,  shopping,  workshop,  xander,  yvie

    FOX Little Fashionista Styling Workshop

    Earlier this month, we received an invitation to attend the FOX Little Fashionista Styling Workshop with fashion stylist Evon Chng. I was super excited and told The Husband “Let’s do this! Sounds fun!” You might be asking “Kids need styling meh? Chin chye wear something comfortable and easy can already mah.” True but why not wear something comfortable, easy AND stylish at the same time? I’ve been a fan of FOX for a long time so I know the clothes not only look cute but also super comfortable. I used to buy a lot of FOX tees and pants for Xander when he was a lot younger and he would…

  • babies,  family,  firsts,  love,  yvie

    Another milestone! Well done, Yvie!

    At 5ish months, my funny little girl can sit up unassisted and she is feeling mighty proud of herself! Silly girl has also started to lick and gnaw on anything in sight. Fuzzy blankets, the clothes I am wearing, soft toys, plastic toys, metal chairs, dirty tables, whatever she can reach, she will lick ’em. I’m amazed she hasn’t gotten any rashes around her mouth or experienced diarrhoea yet. *TOUCH WOOD* Xander also had a taste for strange things when he was a lot younger. He used to chew the headboard on our bed. I didn’t know it until I saw the little teeth marks on the edges many years…

  • About the blog

    Mother of Xander had a makeover!

    来啊! 来啊! 郑宇他妈整容咯! Ahem… not that kind of makeover. The website had a makeover lah. My last blog makeover was 2 years ago. How time flies eh? Friends who have been following my blog will remember the previous look which was based on China’s cultural revolution. Ya, it had the classic red flags and Mao hat, that sort. In order to retain the super cheena spirit that I love, the new look is based on the 1930s Vintage Shanghai pinup girl. Sort of. Who designed the new site you might ask. Of course it’s The Husband. Again. From the buttons to the seksi pinup girl to the structure of the site. All him.…