• family,  family activities,  fun activity

    NDP 2016: Love it or hate the show will go on.

    I am quite possibly the only person from both sides of our families and among our friends who is the most “enthu” (enthusiastic) about the National Day Parades. Wear red? No problem! Wave a flag? I’ll wave TWO! Sing the songs? If I know the words, heck yeah!  I’ll probably scream out the words if I can. Nobody can shout “Chan Mali Chan Oi Oi” better than me ok? If I don’t know the words, just fake it with some realistic mumbling lah! Nobody would be the wiser! View this post on Instagram 你猜我们在哪里? #ndp2016 #ndppreview2016 #nationalstadium #singaporesportshub #singapore #motherofxander A post shared by Mother Of Xander (@motherofxander) on Jul 30, 2016…