bad behaviour

  • bad behaviour,  family activities,  festivals,  fun activity,  recycled art,  xander

    Let’s go to… the Singapore Garden Festival 2014

    One of my friends had texted me a few weeks ago to ask if we were interested to visit the Singapore Garden Festival because they had a couple of tickets to spare and thought of us. How sweet right? I thought since I haven’t seen this friend in a long time, we arranged to go to the festival together on the 1st day. We saw all sorts of flowers that day. Rare flowers, common flowers, big flowers, teeny tiny flowers and even Old Flower Eyes (老花眼. Chinese translation of Presbyopia). I was told many of the exotic flowers were specially flown in just for the event and designers from top garden shows around…

  • bad behaviour,  family,  firsts,  son,  wordless wednesday

    Wordless Wednesday: Last mischief of 2013

    My 1st post of the new year and it’s about mischief! Hahaha! As you can see he is off by about 10 cm. Typically I would scream at him for marking the walls. With permanent marker no less. The naughty boy also drew a smiley face next to his master piece and that little smiley face reminded me the walls can always be repainted but moments like this can never be recreated. So I laughed and shooed him back to bed. “We will talk about this later.” When the 2 of them (yes, Daddy needed a nap too) woke up at the same time, I broke the news to Daddy.…

  • bad behaviour,  school holiday activities

    Pin-hole camera workshop that was supposed to be fun

    A little while ago, Sengkang Babies held a giveaway in their blog for a chance to win a free pin-hole camera workshop with Npower Education. By then, I had already read a few cool reviews about it from a few fellow bloggers who were invited by them earlier this year to bring their kids to give this workshop a go. Everyone enjoyed it and I was also quite intrigued. The workshop looked simple enough so I wondered if Xan will be interested. Lo and behold, I was one of the 3 winners of the giveaway! Yippee! I wasted no time to make reservations for Xan and booked an extra space…