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Travel, places of interest
Health Detective Day by Parkway East Hospital
MEDIA INVITE How many times have you nagged at your child the importance of washing their hands before meals or eating healthy? Too many to count, I know. Sometimes I felt like recording my nags into my phone just so I can play it back it to Xander whenever required. How to teach them good habits then? Benjamin Franklin had the perfect answer. “Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.” We were invited to participate in Parkway East Hospital’s Health Detective Day two weekends ago and it was certainly different from the previous Doctor for a Day we attended last year. Not only did Xander had the…
Let’s go to… Gu Ma Jia (姑妈家)
Review Just so we are clear, I am not a foodie. I make disastrous food. I don’t enjoy seeking new food experiences as a hobby simply because as a parent of 2 young children, I don’t have the time or energy to hunt down obscure places with food that may or may not be to my kid’s liking. This kind of gamble I don’t dare take because a hungry child = angry mum. We often stick to tried and tested places and only occasionally venture elsewhere. In fact, I depend on my friends to tell me what is good and new in town because I am also a mountain turtle 🙁…
Let’s go to… The Toa Payoh Dragon Playground!
Built in 1979, the Toa Payoh Dragon Playground was one of the most iconic fixtures in the established town other than than the observation tower in Toa Payoh Town Park. The building, Block 28, behind it has been barricaded and will be torn down for redevelopment but the playground will stay because it is one of the few precious vintage playgrounds left in Singapore. Read about it here. Heng ah! Since 1993, playgrounds in Singapore were no longer constructed from scratch but purchased from overseas. They are now made from lightweight plastic and rubber, no more retro tiles and cement liao. When you fall on the ground, you probably won’t even…
Let’s go… Rock climbing!
A little while ago, a bunch of us mums gathered our kids together for a rock climbing session (for kids between 5 to 12 years old) at Kinetics. Xan and I have never tried this before and I was skeptical how he (the boy who thinks wushu with the pole thing is a very violent sport) would respond to it. What if he chickens out at the door? What if he throws a power tantrum and refuse to get out of the car?? With kids ah, you never know when they will suddenly change their opinions about activities or even foods they originally have an aversion to so I took…
Let’s go… Be a Dentist Day at the National Dental Centre
If not for a tip off by a friend, I would have never known about this event organized by the National Dental Centre of Singapore (NDCS) Paediatric Dentistry Department in conjunction with their NDCS Paediatric Dentistry Facebook page‘s 1st anniversary. Xander has yet to visit a dentist at this point because like many parents, since we haven’t had any problems with his teeth, we didn’t think of bringing him to the dentist. My first thought when I saw this was that this would be a wonderful way to introduce to him what a dentist would do during a regular visit! Maybe by his appointment, he wouldn’t be so scared of dentists like I…
Let’s go… to the Megabugs Return! Exhibition (plus admission tickets giveaway!)
Have you ever imagined coming face to face with bugs that are big as you? You don’t need to imagine lah, just hop over to the Megabugs Return! Exhibition at the Science Centre for an up-close and personal look at the gigantic Aedes mosquito, ants, dung beetles and many more critters this week. I must admit I’m not a fan of the creepy crawlies but somehow when they are magnified to such mega proportions, they really aren’t too bad. This year the Science Centre Singapore presents Megabugs Return! Exhibition from the 20th of April to the 18th of August 2013. The first Megabugs Exhibition was held 20 years ago with 11…