The Year End School Concert
Besides Chinese New Year, November is a very busy month for me because The Husband’s birthday, wedding anniversary and Xan’s year end school concert all fall in the same month. For days I had been trying to find out from him what he was going to perform during the concert but he would either ignore me or give me a really vague answer. His lips were sealed shut, not even giving me a single clue. So mysterious. Ok lor… 2 weeks before the actual day, they had a full dress rehearsal and I managed to have a sneak peek at what he was going to wear for the concert. The…
Project: Birthday Cake
Xan’s birthday is coming up in less than 2 weeks and I’m planning to bake his cake myself. It may not be a big deal to you but it is to me. So big until I’m breathing, eating, dreaming and seeing pastries all around me. I’ve always wanted to bake his birthday cake myself instead of buying one off the shelf because I feel The Birthday Cake is the highlight of any child’s birthday. I want to be part of that memory for Xan. So vain right? In the last few months, I have come across so many pictures of proud mummies showcasing their versions of The Birthday Cake. *sob*…
Wordless Wednesday: A hair raising affair
If you have been following my blog posts (Thank you for following my blog, please on the way by the way also Like my Facebook can?), you should realize we love our son very much and we love to make fun of ourselves just as much. The emphasis is WE LOVE OUR SON, not just love torturing him in strange getups. Don’t all parents do that? Here are some photos for your Wednesday entertainment pleasure. Ok, to be fair to him both of us decided to join him. Linking up with:
Wordless Wednesday: The Evil Eye
I think the picture says it all. Cranky son fed up with mummy’s irritating and persistent “Come take picture! Smile! Quick! Smile leh!!” Linking up with:
Wordless Wednesday: I love you mummy
Updated from my Facebook: I was very angry with Xan that afternoon because in a moment of anger, he took it out on Daddy with a CANE! Disclaimer: we have never used it on him. Only to whack the floor, sofa, etc. While Daddy whisked him into the room for his nap, I decided to lock myself up in the study to do some packing and to cool off. After about 2 hours, Xan woke up from his nap and came to the room to say sorry to me for making me mad. Even though he was instructed by Daddy to apologize to me the moment he woke up, he…
Happy Mother’s Day
Xan’s school organized a simple Mother’s Day celebration in school on Friday. He kept talking about the card he had made for me with the teachers in school for days. “Mummy I made a heart-shaped card on a stick for you!”, then goes on excitedly to describe it as best as he could. Although I was excited to see the card he had made for me, I was dreading the interaction I have to have with the other mothers. In fact *whispers* I can’t stand a few of them. 😛 Growing up, I’ve always had more guy friends than girl friends. Sure I played masak masak, dressed up my 1…
Little Doctor
Just now, my throat was killing me and I was popping a Strepsil when Xan suddenly turned to me and said: Mummy! I cooked something for you! Make you feel better! Me: Wow! Wat is it? Xan: This one chocolate soup with rice. Warm right? *big grin* Me: Mmm! Very nice! Wat abt this? Xan: This is strawberry pie! This one vanilla and vegetable pizza! This one (looked like a pie to me) is chocolate ice-cream! After finishing the meal, he took his stethoscope and check my belly to assess my progress. Xan: You feel better? Me: Yes! Thank you Doctor! You the best doctor ever! Big hugs & kisses…