Dr Lily’s All Natural Aloe Vera Gel: Review and Giveaway
Review I don’t know about you, but when I was growing up, aloe vera was like the go-to plant for all sorts of problems: Kena splattered by oil from frying chicken wings despite standing 2 metres away and holding up the wok cover? Grab an aloe vera leaf! Longkang (Malay for drain) appeared from nowhere and swallowed you in thus causing scraped knees? Aloe vera!! Fell asleep at the beach while listening to Jason Dovonan serenade you on your discman and you kenah very ugly and painful sunburns? *loud chants* ALOE! ALOE! Such a versatile and underrated plant, this aloe vera. 🙂 I was introduced to Dr Lily’s All Natural® Aloe…