A night of girlish fun plus 3 Style Essence Workshop Giveaway
When it comes to skincare and makeup, it’s all Cantonese to me. Meaning I know enough to get by but not motivated enough to want to learn more. My makeup style hasn’t changed very much over the years except now I draw my eyebrows. Ya, up until I was about 21, I walked around with almost non existent, au naturel eyebrows and thought I looked okay. Don’t ask me why I never thought of drawing my eyebrows because I also dunno. Dunno never mind leh. Whenever I saw pictures of myself I always wondered why my face always looked so sparse, like something was missing. Stupid right? I also wonder…
Nail polish can make you gay!
As with any child if his age, Xander is quite a curious boy. He has questions for everything and would try (almost) anything. We try to answer him as best as we can but sometimes if I don’t know the answer, I usually make one up and indulge him. One day in the car on the way to somewhere I cannot remember now… X: Mummy, how come that Uncle’s hair is like that? *points to an ah beng looking uncle by the road* Me: Oh that Uncle dyed his hair red. X: Why? Me: I don’t know. Maybe he wants to be an Ang Mor? *laughter choke from The Husband…