Let’s play… Vegetable stamping!
I had been thinking of doing some vegetable stamping with Xan for quite a long time because we have never done it before. Usually thinking of it after the vegetables end up either in our bellies or in the trash. I only cook We love eating Shanghai Greens and the stems are perfect for the art project. I managed to save all 3 this time and even struck a deal with the Little Man to finish every grain of food and we could do some art and craft after that. I think he barely looked up from his bowl and managed to finish his food in record time. He absolute LOVES art and craft. I haven’t met any child who loves it more than he does. If he was given a choice, he will want to do crafts all day (and night) long. He’s too easy to bribe 🙂
We started off with single colour stamping on a few sheets of drawing paper before progressing to multiple colours. I tried to convince him that it was ok to mix colours without mixing completely. Er. You know, put 2 or 3 colours together but not mix them into various gross shades of…brown. I hate brown. I like coffee, I like chocolate, I love suede. Just not brown. It’s so dull. Cannot stand it.
Tried as I might, Xan ended up mixing all the colours to create a wonderful dull shade of brown. Haha! Never mind lah. There will be plenty of opportunities to do stamping again. Perhaps then I will try with a variety of vegetables or even attempt to carve shapes onto some root vegetables. *gasp!* I’ll be sure to update here if I do. At least now, I have a few sheets of his masterpieces to make into Christmas cards for our family members this year.