Project Birthday Cake was a Success!
A few weeks ago, I wrote about my attempt to make Xan a crazy birthday cake but wasn’t successful. Between the layered steam cake and this final cake, I had tried making a banana bread (looks damn nice but taste wise failed miserably) and a jelly cheesecake. The cheesecake was a success but of course we realize later Xan hates cheesecake. Wah lau…
Neh mind! I go research some more ideas lor. After a few nights of research, finally settled for a Kit Kat Cake.
Ah this one, so simple and so fail proof. If I can make it, SO CAN YOU!
Talk about risky, I made it the night before his class party. I told myself if this doesn’t work, I will just go buy a cake from one of the cake shops around the school. Always have a backup plan folks!
Ingredients included 1 cake mix, 1 tub of frosting, 1 big bag of M&Ms and maybe $15 worth of Kit Kats.
Total time taken: 3 hours. As long as your kid is awake, you can forget about speed.
No need to tell you the steps and ingredients right? Do it freestyle lah 🙂
You see? So simple even a kid can do it!
I tell you hor. I don’t often bake cakes because ALL my cakes always turn out not how I expect them to be. In this case my cake had a dome top and a giant X crack ( I said X crack not aXX crack. Sigh.) I told Xan I did it on purpose with a giant X for his name. He was thrilled. Hahah! *nose growing longer*
After the cake was taken out of the oven, Xan wanted to decorate the cake immediately. It’s also his brilliant way of saying he didn’t want to go to bed and will say anything to convince us he didn’t need to go to sleep. Even though I explained the cake needed to cool down first, he refused to buy my story. Eventually after debating back and forth for maybe 10mins, he caved and The Husband went into the room to tuck him in.
The Husband managed to worm his way out of the room after the little one fell asleep. Naturally, I put him to work and made him help me slice off the top. Don’t worry if you end up hacking what look like pot holes on the top of the cake. Nobody will know because it will get covered up with the frosting, M&Ms and Kit Kats. See? I told you this was belly belly easy one?
Just before he went to bed, Xan said he wanted a ‘star’ on his cake. Tried as I could, my star looked like a starfish so The Husband came to my rescue again. After doing the outline of the star, we realized not enough yellow bits so we chin chye added the orange to the middle and randomly dumped the rest around the star. Nice hor? By the time the cake was done, I was really tired and forgot to put the ribbon around the cake. Ah, it didn’t matter anyway. The cake already looked blindingly colourful, no need any more colour liao.
I thought I was very prepared for the class party: got cake, got goodie bags, got party hats some more! That was until I stepped in and saw 25 little faces looking at me instead of the 12 I was expecting to see from his class. Crap! My cake so tiny how to slice 25 pieces leh? Wah lau… PANIC! As it was around the Christmas period, a lot of kids were away for the holidays. K2 kids have already graduated and very few of them chose to stay on for the month of December. I guess since there were only so few kids left, the teachers decided to gather them together to celebrate Xan’s birthday lor. Miraculously, the teachers managed to chisel 25 morsels of cake for the kids and I had spare hats to give to the additional kids. The Happy Birthday song dragged for what seemed like an eternity because they sang 4 versions of it simultaneously. Xan was ecstatic!
So yah. My attempt to bake my son a birthday cake and his party were successful. Most of the kids finished their cake, no M&Ms and Kit Kats were wasted, nobody broke into hives, nobody cried and Xan was happy. I even spotted his friend dipping her finger into the cake for a quick taste test after staring at it for a very long time. I think she tahan (resisted) very long ler. I have photo evidence! Hahah!
So glad I didn’t chicken out at the last minute. Will definitely do it again later this year.
der Mardder
If you dare to eat, of course!
der Mardder
Come come! I’ll make 1 big one we all share!